Vista Lodge No. 215
Salem, Oregon

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Officers 2023
Worshipful Master: WB Jeremiah Pruitt
Senior Warden: Bro. David Bearman
Junior Warden: Bro. Mike Weir
Treasurer: Bro. James Border
Secretary: WB Phillip De Long
Chaplain: WB Vernon Harris
Senior Deacon:
Junior Deacon:
Senior Steward: WB Ben Lane
Junior Steward: WB Nick Smith
Marshal: WB Jerry Schierling
Tyler: Bro. Shaun McKamey
Musician: WB Zachary Cohen
Historian: WB Erich Schmidt
Officers are elected by members of the lodge and serve for one year. All officers work together to execute the functions of the lodge.

WB, or “Worshipful Brother”, denotes a past master of the lodge.